We either print with PMS colors or CMYK:
CMYK is printing based on the four basic colors:
C = Cyan
M = Magenta
Y = Yellow
K = Black
Each color is then printed from 0-100% to obtain the desired PMS via CMYK.
For example, PMS 186C is translated to 2/100/85/6
2% cyan, 100% magenta, 85% yellow, 6% black
See here for "PMS-CMYK-PMS Translator: https://www.pantone.com/color-finder
PMS colors are based on far more basic colors than CMYK does. Therefore, at CMYK, we canĀ“t guarantee the result of a particular PMS color. In some cases, we can print CMYK + PMS color when required to guarantee the results of your company's logotype. However, most companies today have a CMYK code approved by the Marketing Department.
A PMS color is a mixture of several basic colors in different percentages. Just like a recipe for cooking have different ingredients. So even if you follow a recipe 100%, the result may vary from one time to another.
For us, it is the same. We follow the recipe, but different things can affect which causes the print to differ slightly from time to time and from one product to another.
Some things that affect the end result are:
-Paper characteristics such as surface or factory
-Coated or uncoated paper.
-Ink supplier.
-Printing press.
-Print method
These things are universal and nothing specific to us at SkyBluePackaging.
SkyBluePackaging with our experience and knowledge wants to help you make the best decision, therefore we are open and honest from the start with the technical limitations that sometimes exist. Not everyone possesses the knowledge we built during our years in the industry.